I loaded a map cache in genymotion emulator. When I run the app, I receive the following error
url =/storage/emulated/0/ArcGIS/SAGE/LocalNetwork/SanFrancisco/basemap/Basemap/_alllayers is invalid path.
I am using the OfflineRoutingAndGeocoding sample app and modifying it.
final String tpkPath = "/ArcGIS/SAGE/LocalNetwork/SanFrancisco/basemap/Basemap/_alllayers";
mTileLayer = new ArcGISLocalTiledLayer(extern + tpkPath);
The map cache I create is from the File/ShareAs/Runtime content... in ArcMap.
If I comment out the lines for the map background to just see the network, it doesn't show up because the background is black. I assume the streets are drawn in black. How can I change the background color to white or the streets to another color to make sure the network is loading.