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IdentifyLayersAsync never completes if 1 layer has refresh interval

04-08-2024 03:52 AM
New Contributor III

We have a map with ~10 feature layers. We recently wanted one of the layers to auto refresh every 20 seconds so we used featureLayer.setRefreshInterval on that layer.

If we do that, our mapView.identifyLayersAsync done listener is never triggered.


 ListenableFuture<List<IdentifyLayerResult>> identifyTask = mMapView
        .identifyLayersAsync(new e.getX(), (int) e.getY()), 22.0, false, 4);
    identifyTask.addDoneListener(() -> {
      try {
        boolean foundItem = false; // <-- HERE
        List<IdentifyLayerResult> results = identifyTask.get();


If we have the applicable layer visible, trigger identify and then hide the layer, the listener is triggered immediately. If we load the app without setting refresh interval on the layer it works.

We have the exact same code and layers on the iOS side as well, and there identify works as expected with refreshInterval.

Any thoughts?

Edit: We are running 100.15.4, I tried downgrading to 100.13.0 (oldest our app can run) with the same results.

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3 Replies
New Contributor III

Anyone from Esri seeing the same or able to test?

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Esri Contributor

I have tried to set refresh interval on the FeatureLayer in this sample and I couldn't reproduce the problem i.e., the identify seems to work even with the refresh interval set. Can you use the sample and modify it to reproduce the problem? If not, we might have to look into the specifics of the layers being used in your map.


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New Contributor III

Thanks for testing and the suggestion, I will try to reproduce. I'm using java and that sample was Kotlin, will try to use the java sample in my testing.

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