I'm writing a annotation placement on map function, while in "onSingleTapConfirmed"
Below text can be placed on map
TextSymbol ts = new TextSymbol(14, "some text", BLUE, CENTER, MIDDLE);
currentTextGraphic = new Graphic(mapPoint, ts);
Cascade the created text on map, when user try to edit it, it show up as a "Point" and after save, the text turned into point system, e.g. only below determination failled into.
if (graphic.getGeometry().getGeometryType() == GeometryType.POINT) {
Or may I know if any method to check the "point" had "TextSymbol" before so that I can further udpate?
Hello LouiePang,
I believe the issue may be that the selected object that you are checking is a MapPoint, so you should try check if it is of type
Peter Dimitrov
May I know how I can check if it is should be a Text/TextSymbol e.g. from the Graphic?
I'm using SketchEditor for placing the Text as mentioned, Or I should uses other way to do it?
My aims is to let user interactively place text on map, it will be good if can be move/edit content again.