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Can I cache tiles from ESRI map services?

04-02-2014 12:32 PM
Deactivated User
I'm creating a field mapping app.  Many of the places where this app will be used will not have cell service, so I'll need to be able to cache map tiles.  I downloaded and ran the sample app from ESRI

It works with the sample map service, but it does NOT work with any of the services from this page :

isExportTilesAllowed() returns true for the sample service layer, but false for the real services.  So do I need to license my app to be allowed to cache the other services, or are those services not allowed to be cached at all?

Thank you,
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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Please have a look at the doc for the REST API:

A note in there mentions that you should:
enable "Allow Clients to Export Cache Tiles" in advanced caching page of the Service Editor.

Please let me know of this was helpful.
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Esri Contributor
For using ArcGIS Online basemaps offline take a look at:

In the "Include a Basemap" section it has a link to a group ( which list the services you need to use for taking a ArcGIS Online basemap offline.

These are hosted on and you need to be part of an organization to use them.
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Deactivated User
Yeah, I finally got it working.  I must say I'm a little disappointed that there's no progress updates.  Some of these caches can be very large, leaving the user with no idea when it will finish.  Also, the Random failures with no explanation are a tad annoying.
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