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ArcGISLocalTiledLayer doesn't display layer data

09-25-2012 07:24 AM
New Contributor
I am trying to create my own local tile cache using ArcMap and a png file.

The basic approach I am using is as follows:

Create a new map in ArcGIS   (.mxd)
File->Add Data and add the .png file to the map
Using the Georeferencing tool, i select the area i want to rectify
add control points in the upper left and lower right
select Rectify from the georeference toolbar, then Update Display.

Next I create the tpk file...
I right click on the map, �?�Data Frame Properties�?�.  Select the �??Data Frame�?� tab.  Select �??Specify Extent...�?� button.  Make sure �??Current Visible Extent�?� is selected and press OK.
Open up the python console and then enter:
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/path/to/saved/mxd file"
arcpy.CreateMapTilePackage_management('myfile.mxd', "ONLINE", 'myfile.tpk', "PNG8", "10")

My application displays the sample file ( just file, but when i try to use what i created with the steps above my map shows nothing. All I see is the grid and am unable to zoom in/out.

If I need to provide more information/steps/clarity to the above let me know. If there is a step by step somewhere out there that I missed, please reply with that.

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