Does anybody have idea about Geometry characteristics of road for each 10 meters with Fields of Geometry table from a Shapefile and also Is there any tool or method to calculate distance between parallel lines automatically(Eg: from road edge to other corresponding road layers)
Following field characters must be in attribute table
3)Length- in meters
4)Shoulder- in decimeters
5)Carriageway- in decimeters
6)Additional lane- in decimeters
7)Slow lane- in decimeters
8)Platform- in decimeters
9)Median- in meters
10)No of lanes
11)Slope- % of a pavement
12)Camber- Cross slope (%) of platform
13)Radius of curvature
14)Geographical coordinates(lat & long)
15)UTM coordinates(x,y,z)
Those particular specs may vary from country to country.
What country are you in?
Those specifications for UAE country