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Automated road delineation

02-26-2020 07:19 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hey all,

I am working with a piece of property that has many lease/forest/dirt roads on it which are not mapped.

Is there a way to automatically digitize/delineate all these roads?

I can work with either Desktop 10.4 or Pro, and I have access to a 1-m resolution DEM and the property lines (see the hill-shade below)

How can I do this, without manually drawing all those roads?

I have tried working with the slope, but I have no idea where to go from there

Also tried to reclass the raster based on slope, but it picks up the southern hill top as a road (since it has a low slope)

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thank you,


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor

Back in the days of Info there was a utility to draw polylines based on color differences.  However, I do not think it is around anymore.

However, for an area this small and with as few features as there appears to be you maybe should just draw them out.

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Emerging Contributor


I will give this a try.

Thank you,


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