I'm in the process of configuring the Roadway Reporter Generate Reports GP service.
I have published it successfully but when I try to create reports in Roadway Reporter the jobs fail. It looks like server is calling the wrong python instance because the errors all identify missing modules relating to the LRS.
I have ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1, ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap 10.8.1 with the 64bit GeoProcessing Tool on one machine.
Server looks like it is trying to use the Python27\ArcGISx6410.8\. I'm assuming this is wrong? If so what should it be using?
Hi Jonathan,
None of the Roads and Highways GP tools support the 64bit geoprocessing tool. I'd recommend removing that tool and then trying to execute the Generate Report tool and publish as a service using ArcMap.
ArcGIS Roads and Highways team
Thanks for replying. I've removed the 64 bit GP tool and republished the service but I'm still getting errors relating to missing loc_ref modules.
I'll test again on an other machine to see if I get the same result.