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Layer query for all feature IDs timesout

05-04-2011 09:11 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jmurdoch

I'm running the following query which consistently timesout:>=0&returnIdsOnly=true&f=json

Is there a way to stream the response or paginate results so that this does not occur?  If no, how else may I generate a list of all feature objectIDs for a layer?  Thanks.
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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jmurdoch

Also, slightly unrelated, there may be a bug in the geometryType filter parameter.
In trying to reduce the result set using a filter by geometryType, I ran this query:<500&geometryType=esriGeometryPolyline&f=pjson

The param value validation seems to be working, i.e. if I enter an invalid type for 'geometryType', I  receive an error as I would expect.  Howerver, the result set returned for the query above contains 500 features of type esriGeometryPoint, i.e. not polylines.
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