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findAddressCandidates: category search in language other than english and close by

10-19-2022 03:30 AM
New Contributor

Hello, I've recently started using ArcGIS REST API and I'm struggling finding a way to use the findAddressCandidates API to look for categories close to a place and in a language other than English.

What I mean is that if for instance I type "grocery [street name]", the API returns me all POI of category "grocery" on that street. However, this does not work with "supermercato [street name]" which would be the equivalent in Italian.

Moreover, even in english, the API returns the related POIs ON that street. Is there a way to find the POIs CLOSE to that street?

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

@tdelorenzo I just wanted to make sure.... have you read the Place search guide? (it might be helpful)

What I mean is that if for instance I type "grocery [street name]", the API returns me all POI of category "grocery" on that street. However, this does not work with "supermercato [street name]" which would be the equivalent in Italian.

Could you use the "category" parameter? (here you have a list of supported category values)

Moreover, even in english, the API returns the related POIs ON that street. Is there a way to find the POIs CLOSE to that street?

As far as I know, if you wan't to find places close to a location you have to use the "location" field.

It would be nice to better understand what you are trying to build to provide better advice 😊


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New Contributor

@Raul_Jimenez , yes I did read all the documentation. Using the category and location fields require that you have a structured input with a category and a location. What I'd like to have is to input a string "supermercato in via ampere milano" to be interpreted by the system to return grocery stores close to "via ampere in milano".

Before ArcGIS I was using Nominatim geocoder which has "special phrases" to do exactly what I am talking about. The same for Google Maps: if I search "supermercato via ampere milano", it shows all supermarkets close to "via ampere, milano". No need to pass structured parameters.

I hope I explained myself a bit better.


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Esri Contributor

Sorry @tdelorenzo for the late reply.

I hope I explained myself a bit better.

Yes, I get your point, imagine you are building a mobile or web UI that end-users are using directly and you want to provide an "omnibox" type of experience that allow them to search POIs near to addresses.

I was checking with our team and I'm afraid that categories are only supported in English today, meaning that the query that would provide the best results would be "grocery via ampere Milano”.

Said that, I think this is a great opportunity to open a new request in ArcGIS Ideas. Adding translated terms (and synonyms) to the existing categories sounds a reasonable and doable request to me.

Thank you for your patience,

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