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Error on FeatureServer: 302 Moved Temporarily when applyEdits with a geometry > 2 MB

08-26-2011 08:54 AM
Deactivated User

i am running into a problem when saving a geometry which is larger than 2 MB (Request Size) over the REST API (Feature Server, applyEdits).

I havend found any information what the problem could be here. We are using a Flex Client to apply the Edits, but even when using the REST API directly i will get this error message. For testing i deactivated security (tokens) and made sure to access the ArcGIS Server REST API directly without using any proxy but this also does not help.

To get some detailed information i used the proxy charles:

Status Complete
Response Code 302 Moved Temporarily
Protocol HTTP/1.1
Method POST
Content-Type text/plain

Request Start Time 26.08.11 18:45:20
Request End Time         26.08.11 18:45:22
Response Start Time 26.08.11 18:45:23
Response End Time 26.08.11 18:45:23
Duration 2.84 sec
Request Duration 2.75 sec
Response Duration 1 ms
Latency 97 ms
Speed 726,76 KB/s
Response Speed 377,93 KB/s
Request Header Size 573 bytes
Response Header Size 387 bytes
Request Size 2,02 MB (2115552 bytes)
Response Size -
Total Size 2,02 MB (2116512 bytes)

This is the location where the ArcGIS Server Tomcat wants to redirect: (this is only a local URL)


I dont see any log information for this service @ arcgis server log on verbose mode. So i guess the request never got to the ArcGIS Server. Maybe there is any Problem with the Tomcat?

My System:
- ArcGIS Server 10 SP 2 Java
- Windows 2003 R2 64 Bit


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1 Reply
Deactivated User
It looks like you have to add the maxPostSize to:

<Connector port="8399" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8343" maxPostSize="0"/>

at server.xml.

On my first test it works fine, Thanks a lot for Bjorn.

I will test it on Monday more detailled and if there is still any problem i will come back here. otherwise this is the solution.
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