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ArcGIS Server - The ability to default output fields when publishing network datasets with ArcGIS Pro

01-24-2022 08:58 AM
Status: Open
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New Contributor II

We recently transitioned from from ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Standard to Custom Roads..  The documentation states when publishing Streetmap Premium Custom Roads, ArcGIS Pro should be utilized.  

We attempted to replicate the output of StreetMap Premium Standard routing when it was published with ArcGIS Desktop, but found that there  are inherent differences between ArcMap and Pro-based publishing frameworks.  Pro is publishing all field columns, regardless of data present or not. This expected behavior would force fields with Null data to return null values at the point of consumption.  Likewise, if each of the default fields in the source dataset had values (actual or dummy values such as 0), then those would be expected when consuming the service.  The returned null fields were causing issue systems that was consuming the output, even when the specific field was not being consumed. 

I believe it would be beneficial to specify a default output field list during the time of publishing or afterwards in ArcGIS Server Manager under the webservice's Select and configure capabilities. 


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