Good afternoon,
I am writing to see if other users have encountered syncing delays when syncing data (with photos) and what sorts of work arounds y'all have done to help alleviate some of these delays.
I welcome any thoughts or insights into this, thank you.
Hi Megan,
By 'Sync', do you mean Send data from the QuickCapture app got timed out? Or data Display got delayed on the map in the app? No.1 sounds like it's a send issue but no.2 threw me off a bit, does the app behave differently when using a web map made from Map Viewer and Map Viewer Beta? Also, it would be great if you would like to share the project with us (QCCreator), as usual.
The map does behave differently if it is saved in the new viewer vs the classic viewer.
Hi Megan - please feel free to send an email to - it may be better to get on a call to look into this.