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Why is ArcGIS.Desktop.Ribbon.Wpf.dll being copied to addinX?

09-01-2022 02:14 PM
Emerging Contributor

I am in the process of upgrading an addinX from 2.x to 3.x. The 3.0 migration guide said to not copy the Esri dlls into the addinX so that the dlls will be used from the ArcGIS Pro\bin folder on the client’s machine. So, I have been setting Copy Local to No to not copy Esri dlls into the addinX file. This generally works except that I am getting 2 Esri dlls copied into the addinX that I am not using as dependencies in my project. They are ArcGIS.Desktop.Ribbon.Wpf.dll and ArcGIS.Desktop.Shared.Wpf.dll. Why are these files being copied into the addinX, and should they be there since these files also exist in the ArcGIS Pro\bin folder?

Thanks for your help,

Steven Corpus

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1 Reply
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor

Can you share your csproj files (you can attach those files in your reply) for both 2.x and 3.0, this will help me to find any problems.   Also did you install and use the "ArcGIS Pro SDK for .Net Migration" Vsix?  ProGuide Installation and Upgrade · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk Wiki ( ?

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