I will update an AddIn I created couple years ago. I am an end-user for this AddIn as well. I would like to continue to use it while developing the newer version.
I created another branch in GitHub but if I run the newer version in VS it will overwrite the old AddIn In ArcGIS Pro.
Ideally, I would like to develop it as a separate AddIn but both older and newer versions point to the same GitHub entry. Later on, I can archive the older version. Is there a solution to this? What is the best approach?
I recommend u change three things:
The addin id, the module id, and the name of the assembly.
Change all of these in the Config.daml. U can use something like https://www.guidgen.com/ to generate a new addin id. The module id is arbitrary. U can use anything u want as long as its different from the original. Ditto for the assembly name. Change defaultAssembly.
<ArcGIS defaultAssembly="ProAppModule1.dll" ...>
<AddInInfo id="{0ccd96a6-029c-409e-9e97-d8f35e9f055d}" version="1.0" desktopVersion="2.3">
<Description>ProAppModule1 description</Description>
<insertModule id="ProAppModule1_Module" ...>
<!-- uncomment to have the control hosted on a separate tab-->
U will also have to change the module id in your module code-behind file (eg Module1.cs, Module1.vb, etc)
internal class Module1 : Module {
private static Module1 _this = null;
public static Module1 Current {
get {
return _this ?? (_this = (Module1)FrameworkApplication.FindModule("ProAppModule1_Module"));
Last, change the assembly name in Visual Studio on the Application properties of your csproj/vbproj to match defaultAssembly.
How about button id and DockPane id?
<group id="SpatialDataExplorer_Group1" caption="Data Explorer Group" appearsOnAddInTab="true">
<!-- host controls within groups -->
<button refID="SpatialDataExplorer_Dockpane1_ShowButton" size="large" />
<!-- add your controls here -->
<button id="SpatialDataExplorer_Dockpane1_ShowButton" caption="Kentucky Spatial Data" className="Dockpane1_ShowButton" loadOnClick="true" smallImage="pack://application:,,,/ArcGIS.Desktop.Resources;component/Images/GenericButtonPurple16.png" largeImage="Images/SDE_Icon.png">
<tooltip heading="Explore Kentucky spatial data">Show Dockpane<disabledText /></tooltip>
<dockPane id="SpatialDataExplorer_Dockpane1" caption="Kentucky Spatial Data Explorer" className="Dockpane1ViewModel" dock="right" dockWith="esri_core_contentsDockPane" >
<content className="Dockpane1View" />
you should change what ever _you_ need to tell them apart - captions, images, text, etc., etc. Pro only needs the first three.
I was trying to make sure before proceeding further. Thank you!