Hi all!
I've created a dockpane that executes a long running process.
My Customer wants my AddIn to visualize its Progress exactly like the Progress in the Geoprocessing-Tools with an Details-Dialoge (Screenshots).
Is there any Documentation about a Progressbar like that or any Community-Sample?
I've only found WPF-ProgressBar, Spinner and the ProgressDialog but not the one I'm searching for.
The Geoprocessing tool's dockpane is using a third party control(s) for its user interface including the progress bar. Unfortunately this control is not available through the Pro SDK's API. You can however, style a WPF Progressbar control to match the Geoprocessing's progress bar. The Overlay3D community sample is using a progress bar on a dockpane: arcgis-pro-sdk-community-samples/Map-Exploration/Overlay3D at master · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk-community...
As with all WPF controls you have to make sure that you update any WPF properties only on the GUI thread. To show progress from a background or worker thread (like from within QueuedTask.Run() ) you have to update the ProgressValue property of the WPF progress bar on the GUI thread, which you can do by using the Dispatcher's Invoke method:
System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {
// update your WPF property here: