We have Network Analiysis new project in Arcgis Pro SDK. İn this project Water Network should be specially developed for GIS.Can this product may have a network analysis in its own right using Pro sdk .In short, all the questions below can be done in Pro or pro sdk ? For example :
Network analysis can meet the following items in Pro sdk:
Selection / colorization of topological objects.
Damage to customers in the event of damage(damaged network element automatically determined by the user) must be calculated).
If the answers to these questions are yes, does it make ready ArcGIS pro tools or do we have to write tools from ArcGIS Pro SDK?
Best Regards
GitHub - Esri/utility-network-sdk: The ArcGIS Pro SDK for utility network pre-releases. says that "Most of the utility network documentation and samples have been integrated in with the ArcGIS Pro SDK."