I have a new use case where I could need some help to get in the right direction.
Actually I receive live data via events, measurements with coordinates and I want to add them dynamically to a map overlay. I have a separate *.lyrx file with a symbology / classification that I want to use for the overlay. So how can I realize that?
Is it possible to create an overlay or map layer with an in memory data source to which I add points at runtime? Is there such a layer type and does it refresh automatically or by command?
Any hints and help would be very appreciated.
Now I have a similar task at another part of my add-in. Again I want to create a feature layer based on an in-memory datastore. I want to add a couple of MapPoints to that in-memory datastore and my layer to update accordingly.
So is it possible to create an instance of FeatureLayer on an in-memory data source?
If it`s not passible:
Can I create a collection/bag of MapPoints and add them as a standard Graphic Overlay at once?
I have some code already but LayerFactory.Instance.CreateFeatureLayer() doesn't accept my CIMInMemoryDatasetDataConnection also I didn`t find some more detailled docs on how to use this type of connection
CIMInMemoryDatasetDataConnection inMemoryDatastore = new CIMInMemoryDatasetDataConnection();
inMemoryDatastore.Dataset = "Wegpunkte";
FeatureLayer waypointLyr = LayerFactory.Instance.CreateFeatureLayer(
"Wegpunkte") as FeatureLayer;
var createWaypointsOperation = new EditOperation();
using (RowCursor shapefileCursor = shapefileData.Search(null, false))
while (shapefileCursor.MoveNext())
using (Feature feature = (Feature)shapefileCursor.Current)
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry geom = feature.GetShape();
if (geomType == GeometryType.Point)
createWaypointsOperation.Create(waypointLyr, geom as MapPoint);
} else if (geomType == GeometryType.Polyline)
using (IEnumerator<MapPoint> enumPts = ((Polyline)geom).Points.GetEnumerator())
while (enumPts.MoveNext())
createWaypointsOperation.Create(waypointLyr, enumPts.Current);