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Problem with error handling during EditOpertion.Callback – result in ArcGIS Pro Crash

12-17-2023 03:14 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a problem with the error handling in a custom EditOperation for ArcGIS Pro application I am building.

The EditOperation is constructed using a series of operations which are added using the EditOperation.Callback() method. If some problem occurs during execution I would like to have general error handling but for some reason this does not work when the data is located enterprise geodatabase (SQL server). On the contrary it leads to ArcGIS Pro Crash. Here is a small code example that illustrates the issue. It is a very simple example where the function SmallDemoCall(table, idList) would just delete some records from the provided table if the value in a column called “ID” equals values from the provided idList.

However, if the provided idList is without values an illegal SQL is generated and the EditOperation.ExecuteAsync() leads to an ArcGIS Pro crash.

So my question is: Is this code faulty and in that case how should general error handling for EditOperations then be achieved?

	public class EditOperationCallbackTest
		public async Task SmallDemoCall(Table myDataTable, List<int> idList)
				EditOperation deleteOperation = new EditOperation()
					SelectNewFeatures = false,
					EditOperationType = EditOperationType.Long,
					Name = "Delete elements",
					ExecuteMode = ExecuteModeType.Sequential,
					ShowModalMessageAfterFailure = false

				// if idList is empty this result in whereClause being whereClause = "ID IN ()" - which is not valid sql
				// it could easily be fixed - but this is not really the point.
				// The general error handling should cope with this as all kind of issues could rise during the data modification
				string whereClause = $"ID IN ({string.Join(", ", idList.Distinct().ToString())})";

				await DeleteInternalAsync(myDataTable, whereClause, deleteOperation);

				// if the whereClause is invalid and myDatatTable points to table in an SQL sever enterprise geodatabase this leads to a ArcGIS Pro crash.
				// however for an invalid whereclause combined with a table from a file geodatabase (*.gdb) the error handling seems to work
				await deleteOperation.ExecuteAsync();
			catch (Exception ex) 

		private async Task DeleteInternalAsync(Table table, string whereClause, EditOperation editOperation)
			await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
				QueryFilter qf = new QueryFilter();
				qf.WhereClause = whereClause;
				editOperation.Callback(context =>
					using (var cursor = table.Search(qf, false))
						while (cursor.MoveNext())
							using (var row = cursor.Current)
				}, table);


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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Update: my data is located i non-versioned tables. Maybe the problem is related to that.

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Esri Regular Contributor


Try set EditOperationType as Short. 

More info here.



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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the link - very helpful. Based on that I do agree that EditOperationType should be short for the a non-versioned table in a enterprise database.

I tried to change operation type to short. However, this just leads to a error from the EditOperation saying "The table is not multiversioned.".

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Occasional Contributor

Okay I have been digging more into this.

It seems that using EditOperationType = EditOperationType.Short and the EditOperation.Callback() does not work in general. I created a separate post on that.

As GintautasKmieliauskas pointet out, EditOperationType.Short should be the right option if we are working with non-versioned tables in enterprise geodatabase. However, strangely enough, it seems to work and can make the correct data updates if EditOperationType is not set or set to EditOperationType.Long. But I will only work until a point where exception is thrown inside the callback function. At that point ArcGIS Pro will crash entirely. Likewise, if the context.Abort() is called inside the callback function.

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