I'm trying to automate testing of a series of tools in my ArcGIS Pro Add In. Several of them rely on an active MapView and it doesn't seem to initialize properly in the context of a unit test. For example, I'd like to confirm the MapView coordinates change when a combobox item is changed, zooming to a different map tile in a dataset. Following the regression example in the community samples, my test currently looks like this:
public async Task ZoomToMapTile_ChangesMapViewLocation()
await _map.OpenViewAsync();
MapView mapView = MapView.Active;
double originXCoordinate = MapView.Active.Extent.Center.X;
double destinationXCoordinate = MapView.Active.Extent.Center.X;
Assert.AreNotEqual(originXCoordinate, destinationXCoordinate);
Running with breakpoints, I see the MapView populates the correct map properly, but many of the properties are null, and the IsReady property is false. Should I avoid this pattern for unit testing user controls? Is there any other way for me to automate testing?
Any suggestions or guidance is greatly appreciated.
When running headless, Pro does not have a fully activated view so u cant rely on it for unit tests. To test functionality that requires a ("proper") active view u will need something like CUIT, coded UI test.