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Is it possible to pass data to PluginDatasource?

07-15-2020 11:23 AM
New Contributor III

I have custom data being managed by my application.  I want to expose this data via a plugindatasource.    Is it possible to pass my data into a plugindatasource, or does the plugindatasource have to be the thing generating the data within itself using the path provided as string?

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


As far as ArcGIS Pro is concerned, this is a read-only datasource.  

ArcGIS itself won't write anything into the datasource.  Now if you want to add interfaces/methods that allow you to write data into your "datastore", and call those methods from your own code, you are of course free to do so. ArcGIS Pro treats it as a "black box".  What you want to do inside that black box is completely up to you. 


New Contributor III

Thank you for the reply Rich.   I can only see that I can pass in a string representing path information to find data.   Reviewing the documentation here ArcGIS Pro 2.5 API Reference Guide  I can't figure out how to pass in additional data in a manner outside the defined interfaces into the plugin data source when it is called from the module consuming it.  

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Esri Regular Contributor

That's correct.  What I meant was that you could create a method called "SetFoo(xxx)" (or whatever) and then another add-in (button, pane, or external process) could pass data in that way.

Actually, the "SetFoo(xxx)" method would probably need to go on another object in the same dll, and these objects would have to talk to one another.

For all of this- there's no ArcGIS mechanism to pass data down to your plugin, but there are ways you could do it.
