i use the ArcGIS Pro 2.7 SDK to create a small AddIn. In the DAML file i defined a button in a module like so:
<insertModule id="LFB_MetadataAddIn" className="HandleExportDocuments" autoLoad="true" caption="LFB.MetadataAddIn">
<!-- How to add a custom image to the button: https://github.com/esri/arcgis-pro-sdk/wiki/ProGuide-content-and-image-resources
Used images as resources here because the are easier to use in code: https://github.com/esri/arcgis-pro-sdk/wiki/ProGuide-content-and-image-resources#images-as-resources -->
<button id="LFB_MetadataAddIn_SaveMetadataDocumentToDiskButton" caption="{x:Static Resources.ButtonCaption_SaveMetadataPDF}" className="SaveMetadataDocumentToDiskButton" loadOnClick="true" smallImage="pack://application:,,,/LFB.MetadataAddIn;component/Images/pdf16.png" largeImage="pack://application:,,,/LFB.MetadataAddIn;component/Images/pdf32.png">
<tooltip heading="Tooltip Heading">Tooltip text<disabledText /></tooltip>
It works as expected. So now i like to set the caption and tooltip of this button with a string from a resource file like in a XAML file. Is there a way to do this in the DAML file?
With {x:Static Resources.ButtonCaption_SaveMetadataPDF} it does not work.
Solved! Go to Solution.
See the ArcGIS Pro SDK wiki page specifically about localization.
Here is a link for you.
ProConcept Localization · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk Wiki · GitHub
See the ArcGIS Pro SDK wiki page specifically about localization.
Here is a link for you.
ProConcept Localization · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk Wiki · GitHub