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How do I refresh an sde connection to see updates to a feature class?

05-30-2019 02:19 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have created a button that fires a stand alone python script. The script will update a row in a feature class that exists in an sde. I have that same feature class in my map in the aprx. Once the script has fired I want to see the updated row in the attribute table. If I manually refresh the sde connection in my database connection folder inside the aprx it will not update the row. However, if I were to right-click on the sde database and select properties this will cause a "refresh" and the update will become visible in the attribute table. I am attempting to duplicate this "refresh" action in C# once the python script has finished but I'm striking out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.ArcGIS Pro SDK

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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Is this a versioned feature class?  And, if so, regular or branch versioning?


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Emerging Contributor

It is versioned using branch versioning.

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Esri Regular Contributor

The routine you are looking for is Version.Refresh

From the feature class, get the Geodatabase.  Geodatabase.GetVersionManager() will get you a VersionManager.  VersionManager.GetCurrentVersion() will get you a Version object.


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Emerging Contributor

Boom! Thank you!

Geodatabase gdb = layer.GetFeatureClass().GetDatastore() as Geodatabase;

VersionManager versionManager = gdb.GetVersionManager();

ArcGIS.Core.Data.Version version = versionManager.GetCurrentVersion();


Worked perfectly!

Occasional Contributor

Is there a way to do this within arcpy? In order to see my edits to a layer from a versioned feature class I have to righ-click the sde connectin and hit Properties or restart ArcPro.

New Contributor

I've also been looking for a solution to this. 

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