I have created a button that fires a stand alone python script. The script will update a row in a feature class that exists in an sde. I have that same feature class in my map in the aprx. Once the script has fired I want to see the updated row in the attribute table. If I manually refresh the sde connection in my database connection folder inside the aprx it will not update the row. However, if I were to right-click on the sde database and select properties this will cause a "refresh" and the update will become visible in the attribute table. I am attempting to duplicate this "refresh" action in C# once the python script has finished but I'm striking out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.ArcGIS Pro SDK
Is this a versioned feature class? And, if so, regular or branch versioning?
It is versioned using branch versioning.
The routine you are looking for is Version.Refresh
From the feature class, get the Geodatabase. Geodatabase.GetVersionManager() will get you a VersionManager. VersionManager.GetCurrentVersion() will get you a Version object.
Boom! Thank you!
Geodatabase gdb = layer.GetFeatureClass().GetDatastore() as Geodatabase;
VersionManager versionManager = gdb.GetVersionManager();
ArcGIS.Core.Data.Version version = versionManager.GetCurrentVersion();
Worked perfectly!
Is there a way to do this within arcpy? In order to see my edits to a layer from a versioned feature class I have to righ-click the sde connectin and hit Properties or restart ArcPro.
I've also been looking for a solution to this.