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How do I publish popups to Portal

07-28-2023 01:52 PM
Occasional Contributor

In Pro 2.9, I have a custom publishing add-in that will create an SD file that a batch Python script later comes along and publishes to Server (federated with Portal). The problem is that the published layers don't include the popups configured within Pro. If I publish using the Pro UI (Share > Web Layer), the popups publish just fine. Is there a way I can publish popups with either the .NET SDK or the Python API? It looks like using the Publish button in the Pro UI is the only way because even using the UI to create an SD file then using the Upload Service Definition GP tool doesn't publish popups.

In researching this, I found BUG-000139253 that discusses AGOL, but seems to apply to Portal as well. I also found this code sample that will (mostly) translate a Pro popup to an Portal popup, which can then be updated using the Python API, but it doesn't work if popups have been left in their default state because the popupInfo property is None. I've posted in the Python Community but haven't had any luck, so I'm posting here to see if anyone's found a solution.

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