This seems like it should be pretty simple, but I've been troubleshooting and can't seem to get it to work!
//I create an Edit operation
var splitFeatures = new EditOperation() { };
//Some Extra code goes here ( for full code) that splits and gets measures
splitFeatures.Split(lyr, oid, geometry);
//I Undo the Split
//After I undo the edit operation, I want to remove the ability for the user to redo it. How can I remove the single edit operation from the redostack?
var operationMgr = MapView.Active.Map.OperationManager;
I found this RemoveRedoOperation method, but I can't seem to find a good example of it in use. Please help!
Narelle Chedzey , I attended some of your Dev summit sessions about editing. Do you have any insight into this issue? Thanks!
You're on the right track with the API methods you found. Take a look at the Undo/Redo sample here
Specifically the Remove Operation button on the dockpanel. This illustrates how to remove from the undo stack. Removing an operation from the redo stack will be the same - just substitute the methods to work with the redo stack.