I'm hoping someone from esri can shed some light on some simple coding style. As requested in this idea there is a remarkable lack of sample code in Visual Basic. I've spent much of my career using VB and ArcObjects in ArcMap and now facing the challenge of developing in ArcPro. I would like to avoid having to sink months/possibly years into becoming proficient in c# when I know VB!
I understand that beneath the hood ArcPro is a very different beast requiring different coding styles because of its multi-threaded nature and that many things have to be done differently. That's OK when simple, easy to digest samples are provided to fast track ones self.
I've discovered that many of the objects I need to use must be run in a queuedtask but all the examples on the esri github site are all in the cryptic c# language.
I have some simple code that opens a layerfile on a onclick of a button. I cannot for the life of me work out the syntax that must be used in the line QueuedTask.Run().
Friend Class Button1
Inherits Button
Protected Overrides Sub OnClick()
' How To complete the Next line?
Await QueuedTask.Run()
End Sub
Private Function myCode() As LayerDocument
Dim sp As String
sp = "c:\scratch\mydata.lyrx"
Dim ld As LayerDocument
ld = New LayerDocument(sp)
Return ld
End Function
End Class
Can someone show how this code should be written and best practise?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks for the pointer to the website. I had actually seen this thread before I posted (i.e. had done my research) and followed the link to the code conversion website and tried their example; problem was is when you paste it into visual studio 2022 it throws an error but gives no real indication why. In my random stumbling around in the vastness of the internet I had seen some comment, probably on this forum, about what seems to be an undocumented addition to the code that needs to be done if you are developing a button for the ArcPro ribbon and that's the inclusion of the command "Async" in the OnClick Sub declaration. I've posted the solution over on GIS StackExchange but provide it here too. It provides a simple VISUAL BASIC template for building code that requires running as a QueuedTask.
Protected Overrides Async Sub OnClick()
' Code assumes layerfile is referencing a geodatabase featureclass.
Dim b As Boolean
b = Await QueuedTask.Run(Function()
' Connect to layer file
Dim sLayerFilePath As String
sLayerFilePath = "c:\scratch\ORN2.lyrx"
Dim lyrDoc As LayerDocument
lyrDoc = New LayerDocument(sLayerFilePath)
' Create a CIM layer document object
Dim cimLayerDoc As CIMLayerDocument
cimLayerDoc = lyrDoc.GetCIMLayerDocument
' Create a CIM Feature Layer object
Dim cimFeaturelyr As CIMFeatureLayer
cimFeaturelyr = CType(cimLayerDoc.LayerDefinitions(0), CIMFeatureLayer)
' Create a CIM Standard Data Connection
Dim cimSDCon As CIMStandardDataConnection
cimSDCon = CType(cimFeaturelyr.FeatureTable.DataConnection, CIMStandardDataConnection)
' Create a full path name string to feature class
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFC As String
sPath = cimSDCon.WorkspaceConnectionString
sFC = cimSDCon.Dataset
Dim sFullpath As String
sFullpath = sPath & "\" & sFC
sFullpath = sFullpath.Remove(0, 9) ' Removes DATABASE= from start of string
MsgBox(sFullpath, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Feature class Path")
Return True
End Function)
End Sub
If there is anyone from the ESRI documentation team reading this, it would be good if you expand your snippets on the GITHUB site to include some sample code in Visual Basic. Why has ESRI abandoned VB? When you go to the esri git hub site and search for code language in VB it returns nothing!
Look at the thread.
Using converter you can convert c# code from sample to VB code. QueuedTask.Run could look like that:
Private Sub SurroundingSub()
Dim gdbPath As String = "@C:\myDataFolder\myData.gdb"
Dim newlyAddedGDB = Await QueuedTask.Run(Function()
Dim item = TryCast(ItemFactory.Instance.Create(gdbPath), IProjectItem)
Return If(Project.Current.AddItem(item), TryCast(item, GDBProjectItem), Nothing)
End Function)
End Sub
Thanks for the pointer to the website. I had actually seen this thread before I posted (i.e. had done my research) and followed the link to the code conversion website and tried their example; problem was is when you paste it into visual studio 2022 it throws an error but gives no real indication why. In my random stumbling around in the vastness of the internet I had seen some comment, probably on this forum, about what seems to be an undocumented addition to the code that needs to be done if you are developing a button for the ArcPro ribbon and that's the inclusion of the command "Async" in the OnClick Sub declaration. I've posted the solution over on GIS StackExchange but provide it here too. It provides a simple VISUAL BASIC template for building code that requires running as a QueuedTask.
Protected Overrides Async Sub OnClick()
' Code assumes layerfile is referencing a geodatabase featureclass.
Dim b As Boolean
b = Await QueuedTask.Run(Function()
' Connect to layer file
Dim sLayerFilePath As String
sLayerFilePath = "c:\scratch\ORN2.lyrx"
Dim lyrDoc As LayerDocument
lyrDoc = New LayerDocument(sLayerFilePath)
' Create a CIM layer document object
Dim cimLayerDoc As CIMLayerDocument
cimLayerDoc = lyrDoc.GetCIMLayerDocument
' Create a CIM Feature Layer object
Dim cimFeaturelyr As CIMFeatureLayer
cimFeaturelyr = CType(cimLayerDoc.LayerDefinitions(0), CIMFeatureLayer)
' Create a CIM Standard Data Connection
Dim cimSDCon As CIMStandardDataConnection
cimSDCon = CType(cimFeaturelyr.FeatureTable.DataConnection, CIMStandardDataConnection)
' Create a full path name string to feature class
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFC As String
sPath = cimSDCon.WorkspaceConnectionString
sFC = cimSDCon.Dataset
Dim sFullpath As String
sFullpath = sPath & "\" & sFC
sFullpath = sFullpath.Remove(0, 9) ' Removes DATABASE= from start of string
MsgBox(sFullpath, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Feature class Path")
Return True
End Function)
End Sub
If there is anyone from the ESRI documentation team reading this, it would be good if you expand your snippets on the GITHUB site to include some sample code in Visual Basic. Why has ESRI abandoned VB? When you go to the esri git hub site and search for code language in VB it returns nothing!
Sample for VB here
Good find! That is hard to find on the esri github site. What blows my mind is that it appears to be the only sample in VB...
I download all samples zip from github, extract it locally and do search for method or object name or file extension
Glad you found the answer! I've used a code converter like https://converter.telerik.com/ with a lot of success. It's admittedly tedious with larger code sets, but it's a great jumping off point.