Is it possible to dock using code a dockpane just like the attached image?
Note the the dockpane is dock between the TOC and the catalog and NOT under them (taking the full width of the window).
The only option in the code put the new dockpane so it cover (or make shorter) the toc and catalog.
Well, go through this page here. I assume you already aware of the dock property but have also a look at the dockWith property.
A value of 'bottom' for the dock property should do the trick...
Really old topic, but it looks like it's still hard to achieve exactly what @mody_buchbinder asked. I'm currently in the same situation, and @TomGeo's answer is not the solution, since dock="bottom" places the dockpane in a way that it takes the whole horizontal space available, like mody wrote in his post.
I would use dock="group" together with dockWith property, but I couldn't find any example or documentation that shows which dockpanes are placed in the desired position, so I'm still stuck with it.
Mody, did you manage to achieve this? Anyone knows about any "stock" dockpane that opens in the center-bottom spot, or any other workaround that could solve this?
Can't get there with DockPane. Have to use Pane. Not much documentation on Pane but if you add a new Pane item the boilerplate code does a lot for you.
For me the boilerplate CustomPaneClassName.Create() places the pane in whatever pane is active.
So to work around we did a little slight-of-hand/old-school-jank coding:
Surprisingly I couldn't tell the ArcPro Attribute Table opened and closed. Happens quickly enough it appears to simply open my custom pane and no others. It also could be the case that my warm work laptop's latency helped make it appear magic.
Here's the admittedly silly code:
// validate map view
if (MapView.Active is null) return;
// get map ref and validate
var map = MapView.Active.Map;
if (map.MapType != MapType.Map) return;
// validate map layers
if (map.Layers.Count() > 0) {
// first layer of TOC as placeholder and validate it can load to table content
var placeholderLayerMapMember = map.Layers.First() as MapMember;
// validate. If you use other layers, still recommend mapmember validation
if (FrameworkApplication.Panes.CanOpenTablePane(placeholderLayerMapMember)) {
// get ArcPros built-in Edit Attributes table pane in order to open the pane below the map. Otherwise could open in map tab
var standardEditPane = FrameworkApplication.Panes.OpenTablePane(placeholderLayerMapMember) as Pane;
// build my custom pane and open in active pane
var pane = MyCustomPaneViewModel.Create();
// opened my custom pane so can close ArcPros Edit Attributes table pane. Unecissary if you want ArcPros Edit Attributes table to stay open
// open in parallel pane tab, but closing gives the illusion that only my custom pane opened
// validate pane
if (pane is null) return;
// ... do things with my custom pane
This really is an unnecessary headache just to achieve something that easy. Clearly a hole in the sdk architecture I would say, since you can always arrange a DockPane "by hand" anchoring it in that position, which is an evidence that there is nothing preventing it: it seems like we just miss a value for the dock attribute in daml (something like "center-bottom"), and I wonder if this is just an oversight or if there is some other reason for the lack of it.
Thanks @jmidtlyng for the workaround provided anyway, at least we have some way to do it.
Wow didn't see your reply was only last Friday. Feel like 2 ppl who happened to wander into the same abandoned building at the same time.
Hopefully someone from Esri can show an official way to access, but from what I can tell that specific zone is called a TablePane and is contained within the inaccessible ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Internal.TablePane. If you want to kick the black box around a bit yourself the id is esri_editing_tablePane
Back with an official, non-hack approach to do this. Follow the pro-guide here to use a TOCMapPaneProviderPane class for your custom Pane:
Then in the middle of step 2: "Note: Change the value of _dockUnderMapView to true if you want your pane to act like the attribute table pane and dock underneath its "impersonated" map view."
This worked really nicely. Anecdotally we put a custom TableControl in our Pane to build an attribute table with event listeners on highlight.
Not-so-nice alert: Wild a desirable customization seems documented on the fringes under a very confusing class name.
Hi @jmidtlyng, that sounds promising and I thank you a lot for sharing, but the link you provided is to the API reference of TOCMapPaneProviderPane Class, can you paste the link to the pro guide content that you mention?
@Asimovthanks for the note. I updated my post so the content relating to step 2 makes sense with the link provided. Jic here's the link again: