how to remove duplicate MapPoints?Is there an easy way? or should I upload the coordinates of each MapPoint, then save and delete the same?
Thank you in advance
You have to describe your workflow in a bit more detail. For example, where are your MapPoints? In a graphic layer, in a feature layer, in memory? You are talking about 'uploading coordinates', I am not clear what that means. Do you have to check the 'dataset' to where you 'upload' your MapPoints for duplicates before you upload? If you have a feature class with MapPoints you suspect having duplicates you can use the 'Delete Identical (Data Management)' geoprocessing tool: Delete Identical (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
I had a Polyline layer which I converted to a PointCollection from which I created a Point layer.
I created sample code that copies all vertices from a line layer (TestLines) into a point layer (PointsNoDuplicates) and then deletes all duplicates (with the same shape) using the "management.DeleteIdentical" GP tool. I used an addin with a button to test this code and a map that contained the required layers.
protected override async void OnClick()
var lineLayerName = "TestLines";
var noDupPointLayerName = "PointsNoDuplicates";
FeatureLayer polyLine = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().FirstOrDefault(layer => layer.Name.Equals(lineLayerName)) as FeatureLayer;
FeatureLayer pointsNoDuplicates = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().FirstOrDefault(layer => layer.Name.Equals(noDupPointLayerName)) as FeatureLayer;
var ok = await QueuedTask.Run<bool>(() =>
var createFeatures = new EditOperation();
createFeatures.Name = "Add Points with duplicates";
//Create a feature for each point
using (var fc = polyLine.Search())
while (fc.MoveNext())
using (var feature = fc.Current as Feature)
var multiPart = feature.GetShape() as Multipart;
foreach (var point in multiPart.Points)
createFeatures.Create(pointsNoDuplicates, point);
//Execute to execute the operation
//Must be called within QueuedTask.Run
var result = createFeatures.Execute();
if (!result)
MessageBox.Show($@"Error creating points with duplicated: {createFeatures.ErrorMessage}");
return result;
if (!ok) return;
await Project.Current.SaveEditsAsync();
// Clear selection
await QueuedTask.Run (() => pointsNoDuplicates.ClearSelection());
// arcpy.management.DeleteIdentical(noDupPointLayerName, "Shape", "0.1 Meters", 0.1)
var paramsArray = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(noDupPointLayerName,
"Shape", "0.1 Meters", 0.1);
var delDupsDlg = new ProgressDialog("Delete Duplicates", "Cancel", 100, false);
var progsrc=new CancelableProgressorSource(delDupsDlg);
await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.DeleteIdentical", paramsArray, null, progsrc.Progressor);
catch (Exception ex)
Note that when i click my button repeatedly it will add the same points again (hence creating duplicates) which are then removed by the GP tool.