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CIMChart series color - unable to set

10-27-2023 01:02 PM
Occasional Contributor

In my Add-In, I am able to create a table and make a chart from the data.  I am unable to change the color of the line series.  I modified my code from the sample found at 

I had to change several things to make it work with a standalone table.

The chart draws fine, and I am able to change the LineSymbolProperties.Style (e.g. dashed, solid), but changing the Color does not make any difference - it always plots with the default line series color, pale blue.   

The entire function that I'm coding uses a MapTool, with which a user can define a line - points along that line are sampled from a raster (typically a DTM) and distance/raster values are added to the table.   I ultimately want the line series on the plot to match the graphic line on the map.

private async static void MakeChart(Table table, string field1, string field2, CIMRGBColor lineColor)

    string tableName = table.GetName();
    var stTable = MapView.Active.Map.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList().Where((l) => l.Name == tableName).FirstOrDefault() as StandaloneTable;

    CIMStandaloneTable cimTableDefinition = null;

    await QueuedTask.Run(() => {

        cimTableDefinition = stTable.GetDefinition() as CIMStandaloneTable;


    string[] fieldString = new string[] { "distance", field1 };
    if (field2 != "")
        fieldString = new string[] { "distance", field1, field2 };

    var lineChart = new CIMChart
        Name = "lineChart",
        GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties
            Title = $"Profile chart for {field1} ",
        Series = new CIMChartSeries[]
                new CIMChartLineSeries {
                    UniqueName = "lineChartSeries",
                    Name = field1, 
                    Fields = new string[] { "distance" , field1,},
                // Specify aggregation type
                //FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "SUM" },
                // Specify custom time bin of 6 months
                //TimeAggregationType = ChartTimeAggregationType.EqualIntervalsFromStartTime,
                //TimeIntervalSize = 1.0,
                //TimeIntervalUnits = esriTimeUnits.esriTimeUnitsDays,
                // Define custom line color
                ColorType = ChartColorType.CustomColor,  //SingleColor makes no difference
                LineSymbolProperties = new CIMChartLineSymbolProperties {
                    Style = ChartLineDashStyle.Solid,  //can change this
                    Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 },  //changing this does not have any effect - plots blue line regardless

    // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist)
    var newChartsLine = new CIMChart[] { lineChart };
    // Add CIM chart to layer defintion 
    //vvar allChartsLine = (cimTableDefinition == null) ? newChartsLine : cimTableDefinition.Charts.Concat(newChartsLine);  //value cannot be null error
    cimTableDefinition.Charts = newChartsLine.ToArray();
4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

When I run the sample that I linked to above, it creates a blank chart telling me to select the variables.   I then can change the "Aggregation" type in the Chart Properties and it draws the chart...with a GREEN line or whatever I set it to.    So it works in that case, but for some reason the Color cannot be changed in my situation.  Here's the sample I ran - I had to wrap it in a Queued Task:  

   internal class buttonTest : Button
       protected async override void OnClick()

           // For more information on the chart CIM specification:

           // Define fields names used in chart parameters.
           const string dateField = "last_review";
           const string numericField = "price";

           var lyrsLine = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
           var lyrLine = lyrsLine.First();

           CIMBaseLayer lyrDefLine = null;

           await QueuedTask.Run(() =>

               //tableDefLine = stTable.GetDefinition();
               lyrDefLine = lyrLine.GetDefinition() as CIMBaseLayer;

               // Define line chart CIM properties
               var lineChart = new CIMChart
                   Name = "lineChart",
                   GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties
                       Title = $"Line chart for {dateField} summarized by {numericField}",
                   Series = new CIMChartSeries[]
                   new CIMChartLineSeries {
                       UniqueName = "lineChartSeries",
                       Name = $"Sum({numericField})",
                       // Specify date field and numeric field
                       Fields = new string[] { dateField, numericField },
                       // Specify aggregation type
                       FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "SUM" },
                       // Specify custom time bin of 6 months
                       TimeAggregationType = ChartTimeAggregationType.EqualIntervalsFromStartTime,
                       TimeIntervalSize = 1.0,
                       TimeIntervalUnits = esriTimeUnits.esriTimeUnitsWeeks,
                       // NOTE: When setting custom time binning, be sure to set CalculateAutomaticTimeInterval = false
                       CalculateAutomaticTimeInterval = false,
                       // Define custom line color
                       ColorType = ChartColorType.CustomColor,
                       LineSymbolProperties = new CIMChartLineSymbolProperties {
                           Style = ChartLineDashStyle.DashDot,
                           Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 },

               // Add new chart to layer's existing list of charts (if any exist)
               var newChartsLine = new CIMChart[] { lineChart };
               //var allChartsLine = (lyrDefLine == null) ? newChartsLine : lyrDefLine.Charts.Concat(newChartsLine);
               // Add CIM chart to layer defintion 
               lyrDefLine.Charts = newChartsLine.ToArray();



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Esri Contributor

Hi @Kevin_Andras ,

Thanks for the question! We've found a bug where in some scenarios the line color does not display correctly when you set the color through the `LineSymbolProperties` property. We are working to fix this bug, but in the meantime as a workaround you can try setting the color through the `MarkerSymbolProperties ` property. Please see the code below for an example of how you would set the color in this manner:


  internal class AddLineChartButton : Button
    protected override void OnClick()

      QueuedTask.Run(() =>
        var lyrs = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>();
        var lyr = lyrs.First();
        var lyrDef = lyr.GetDefinition();
        var xField = "distance";

        var lineChart = new CIMChart
          Name = "lineChart",
          GeneralProperties = new CIMChartGeneralProperties
            Title = $"Chart for {xField} ",
          Series = new CIMChartSeries[]
            new CIMChartLineSeries
              UniqueName = "lineChartSeries",
              Name = xField,
              Fields = new string[] { xField, "price" },
              FieldAggregation = new string[] { string.Empty, "SUM" },
              ColorType = ChartColorType.CustomColor,
              LineSymbolProperties = new CIMChartLineSymbolProperties
                Style = ChartLineDashStyle.Solid,
              // set line series color with MarkerSymbolProperties
              MarkerSymbolProperties = new CIMChartMarkerSymbolProperties
                Color = new CIMRGBColor { R = 0, G = 150, B = 20 }
        var newChartsLine = new CIMChart[] { lineChart };
        lyrDef.Charts = newChartsLine.ToArray();


 Please let me know if this does not solve your problem.

Thanks again,


Occasional Contributor

That works.  Thank you so much!

Esri Contributor

Awesome, glad to hear! Thank you for following up.

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