I am running a GP tool that takes some time from a button on Dockpane.
If the user close the Dockpane with the X (or any cancel button) I would like the GP tool to be canceled.
I still would like to use GPThread flag (or any other way that does not block the application)
What will be the best way to do it?
Happy holidays 🙂
Using the ExecuteToolAsync overload with a CancellationToken is the way to go. If you create a CancellationTokenSource scoped to the DockPane and override the DockPane's OnHidden method, you can call Cancel on the CancellationTokenSource object if the GP tool hasn't finished.
Does this also work with the current Dockpane version? is there somewhere a code example? (I tried it, no errors, but it didnt have any effect...)
Hi Stephen
I will give it a try (it will take some time). I could not find an example for GP tool but I understand the concept.