Just posting here since there was no other category that really fit. What I need to do is figure out how to update a field in any feature class each time an edit is made to it. This is to support our asset managemetn system, Maximo.
The field is called MXCREATIONSTATE and will exist on many different feature classes in our corporate SDE. Some users use ArcMap, some use ArcGIS Pro, some use FME to make updates, some use web editing tools.
I'm thinking there must be some sort of geodatabase extension that can be created to do this on the back-end, but not really sure where to start.
It's quite simple. Anytime an edit is made (either tabular or spatial) MXCREATIONSTATE must be changed to 1.
Any ideas are appreciated.
Was hoping someone more knowledgable than me would answer, but before this gets completely buried:
Some users use ArcMap, some use ArcGIS Pro, some use FME to make updates, some use web editing tools.
So Attribute Rules are probably not going to cut it, because you can't even read them in ArcMap (don't know about FME and web services).
You could take a look at database triggers. All I know about that: they work on the database (not geodatabase!) and are implemented using SQL.
As they are not ESRI-specific, you can probably find many resources with your preferred search engine. You could maybe also find something in the Data Management - Esri Community.