I build a custom form that populates and shows as soon as a feature is created for a featured data service. This form has always populated with the Dates created/modified and with the Modified/Created by info. This is launched from the onrowcreate event in the module.
I upgraded to 2.1.1 this week
Now when I make a new feature item using the service and try to retrieve these values (dates/modifiedby) the inspector returns null for both of them. The only way I can get them to populate now is to close the form and refresh the cache using the Circle/Recycle button on the bottom right of map view. I never had to do this previously?
This value is now null on a new Row until you refresh the cache?
I feel this is a bug. I am still on 2.1.1, but I need a way for these values to be populated as they were in 2.1.0