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Dev Summit Follow-up

03-18-2016 09:39 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original Author: @ChristopherZent 


Thanks to all who attended last week's Dev Summit and helped make it a great success.  The Desktop SDK did a great job sharing helpful information, tips and tricks in the Pro SDK tech sessions and pre-summit workshop, and on the showcase floor at the Desktop SDK area.  Thanks again to all who participated and had great questions and shared your ideas for how to extend Pro this year.


The videos for the following four tech session will be available on the E380 Esri Video website in a few weeks, available sometime around mid-April:

  • ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Programming Patterns
  • ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Integration with ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: UI Design and MVVM
  • ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET: Editing and GDB Integration


Also, the full list of videos from Dev Summit that will be available is in Jim Barry's recent blog post.


For those of you who may not have caught it yet, one of the best demos I saw last week was James Sullivan's "ArcGIS Pro Top Ten" at the EPC where he walked through different scenarios around the Atlanta Airport.  Here is the link to the currently available version he did at Fed UC.