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Zonal Stats as Table fails if more than a few polygons

4 hours ago
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I have tested several polygon layers and two different CRF rasters and I keep getting this message if I select more than 1 polygon.  


One set of polygons I had was 2,822 and it stops in 35 seconds with this 999998 error.  Tried the next one that is just 500 polygons and that fails right away also.  Both work perfectly fine, and fast, if I select just one polygon (and set the processing extent or it takes forever) or export the one polygon.  I finally maybe got one running that is 26 polygons now.  


Is there some type of vertex limit or something?  I will now have to script it to run one at a time and then combine at the end I guess?




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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

How zonal statistics tools work—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

you might want to give converting the zone features to raster format (taking care about cell size, alignment and processing extent)

... sort of retired...
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