The locator is still in the project at the Locators tab, but it is not recognised as a locator when you want to add it to the Locate window via the Provider settings:
Anyone know how they can get the XY Provider back there?
A couple things to try: rename your ESRI folder in your C:/users/<user profile>/appdata/local and C:/users/<user profile>/appdata/roaming to ESRI_OLD. Restart your project. Does the XY locator now show? If not, try to do a repair on your ArcGIS Pro software installation. Restart the project. Does the XY locator now show?
Hi @Robert_LeClair , thanks for looking into this, unfortunately a soft reset had no effect on this issue.
When trying to repair the software, this option is greyed out.
Any other thoughts/ways on how to fix this?
Hi @Robert_LeClair, Any other suggestions regarding this issue?
1. Are you able to see the XY Provider in a new project?
2. Is the issue occurring on a single machine?
3. Have you tried to replicate the issue on the same machine but with a different user profile?