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writing a selection query for water lines that span for 50 years

03-07-2024 06:25 AM
Labels (3)
Emerging Contributor

Hello, I am very much new to ArcGIS Pro, I am a student at WWCC, and I am going through this class and need help, our teacher (who is vague on details or answering questions) wants us to conduct a selection query for water lines spanning 50 years, but everywhere that I have looked cannot help, so I am hoping you guys can steer me in the right direction. We copied the gps coordinates to excel then saved as a .csv  file and then from there the attribute table only gives me like field 1-11, do I need to add a field in the table to include years and how would I do that? 


Thank You 

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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi, Philip.

To select data by attributes, you will need that identifiable information in your data; so yes, to select by date you will need a date field that is populated.

Here's ESRI documentation on how to add fields.

Emerging Contributor

Thank you for the information

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Frequent Contributor

Glad to help. When you get your field created and populated, here's some documentation for how to use the select by attribute tool.

Good luck.

Emerging Contributor

Thank you 

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