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Workflow for converting shapefiles to file geodatabases in Pro

01-11-2019 09:30 AM
Occasional Contributor

What is a good way to convert shapefiles to geodatabases in Pro?  Can it be done as a batch?  I keep ending up with a shapefile copy in my destination folder since there is no option to designate this file type.

I would prefer not to use Map, that's what I am doing for now.   It seems there has to be a way to get this to work, the Pro documentation promises it.

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7 Replies
Esteemed Contributor

Are you using a Copy Paste technique in the Catalog view where you end up with a copy of the shapefile?

How about Exporting the Shapefile to a file gdb either from the Catalog view or the Contents pane of Pro.

Occasional Contributor

I was using the feature class to geodatabase tool. I am instead using

data, export data in Map since that defaults to file gdb without much user

intervention. The folder structure is fairly deep and has unique file

names for point and polygon parcels, so I think writing a script would take

about as long as exporting 100 counties.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Or try the Feature Class to Geodatabase geoprocessing tool. This allows you to process multiple input shapefiles.

Occasional Contributor

Joshua, how can I designate this tool to output file geodatabases? Or is

that not possible?

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Esri Notable Contributor

It sounds like the Feature Class to Geodatabase GP tool is defaulting to your Default.gdb that's buried in a Window's folder structure.  What I would do is create a new file geodatabase in a project folder (in the Catalog window, right click in the folder you where you want the *.gdb to be stored and select New File Geodatabase), then run the Feature Class to Geodatabase GP tool with output geodatabase being the newly created file geodatabase.  Make sense?

Occasional Contributor

It does.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Or if you have a ton of shapefiles - Modelbuilder using an Iterator for the Feature Class to Geodatabase GP tool!