I've created new graphics in my layout (just a few circles to highlight some things). When the element is selected, the Rotate & Move symbols appear upon hovering over the respective grips. But I am unable to actually move it or rotate it.
The element is not locked.
Newly created graphics behave this way, as do graphics copy/pasted from mxd's
Any ideas?
Thank you!!
I just discovered it works if I hold left AND right mouse buttons down. Is there a way to change this?
You should be able to do it just by holding the left mouse button down. That's the way it works for me. Maybe there is some mouse setting or something that is causing what you are describing?
I too had the same problem and just like you described, worked for me when I clicked on both the left and right mouse buttons. I figured it must be that you switched your primary and secondary button on your mouse settings. Because when I switched it back to the normal mouse settings, it worked fine by holding the left mouse button down.