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Where is a logo image (or other graphics file) included in a map package saved?

02-24-2023 11:25 AM
Occasional Contributor III

We have imported a map package sent from another organization and it includes a .png logo file on a layout. We would like to use the logo in another application as part of our work for this client.

Does anyone know where the logo file would have been saved locally? We looked in the unpacking location but can't find it there. The Element Properties pane for the logo image shows the map package creator's local path for the image (their C: drive). Right clicking on the image doesn't give any "save as" options. We can copy it but we can't seem to paste it anywhere outside of Pro. 

Does anyone know where we can find the image file? Or is there a way to save it to a new local file? Seems like such an easy thing but we can't figure it out (other than screenshotting it, which is not ideal).


- Holly
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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Holly - my understanding is a map package is just the map views and data referenced by the map views but not a layout view.  Now a project package would include much more - maps, scenes, basemaps, layouts, reports, toolboxes, GP history and...and...more!  So it makes sense that a map package sent by another organization would not include a layout so no logo either.  I'd recommend having the organization sent a project package instead and test that workflow.

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