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What is your take on ArcGIS Pro

03-09-2018 01:48 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have started using ArcGIS Pro for a project looking at Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate contamination.  I decided that this would be a good project to use to really become acquainted with Pro.  I am glad that I am using Pro, I am finding that it is truly much more responsive than using the desktop.  Actions that would take upwards of of half hour or more are only taking seconds.  I am been able to clip every statewide layer down to the county that I am modeling first.  I took me a little bit to get used to the interface, and Esri has been very accommodating to help me get off and running. 

There are some quirks with the interface that I would like to see changed or added in time, but all in all I am very impressed.  I am wondering what everyone else who is using Pro, what is your opinion of the product?  Please give me your true thoughts.

Good job with this products usability.


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136 Replies
Esri Community Moderator

I like Joe Borgione‌'s perspective from March 15th,

It's just going to take some time to ramp up.  I survived ArcInfo to ArcView and ArcView to ArcMap, and fully embrace That Which Does Not Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger.....  

In my role, I interact a lot with our customers - some are long-time users of Esri products spanning everything that Joe mentions above, and others are learning on ArcGIS Pro.  Depending on what previous experience you bring to the table, your experience with ArcGIS Pro will be different.  

I wanted to chime in on this thread to make sure that those who aren't aware of all of the available resources to get started with ArcGIS Pro have a go-to list.  This list is constantly growing so you'll want to check back periodically on things like and  Also, stay current on the releases and check out the what's new section for each release: What's new in ArcGIS Pro 2.1—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

Here’s my curated “must review” list:

For ArcMap users

Going Pro: ArcGIS Pro Essentials for ArcMap Users

Quick Start tutorials


Here’s is a more exhaustive list of resources:

Overview of ArcGIS Pro Licensing

ArcGIS Desktop licensing

Named User licensing in ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Pro Named User licensing


Terminology Guide


Training: Tutorials and Exercises

Quick Start tutorials Lesson Gallery (filter by Product = ArcGIS Pro)

Migrating from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro: Essential Workflows



For ArcMap users


Import a style into the project


Python in ArcGIS Pro

Analyze Tools For Pro

Analyze custom geoprocessing tools for ArcGIS Pro

Python migration from 10.x to ArcGIS Pro

Migrating from arcpy.mapping to ArcGIS Pro

Migrating to ArcGIS Pro

ModelBuilder: migration to ArcGIS Pro


Migrate locators to ArcGIS Pro

Migrate raster catalogs to geodatabase mosaic datasets

Upgrade Dataset


Migration from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro for data validation


Tools that are not available in ArcGIS Pro




Going Pro: ArcGIS Pro Essentials for ArcMap Users

ArcGIS Pro Editing Essentials

ArcGIS Pro: Tips and Tricks

ArcGIS Pro YouTube Playlist



Dude, where's my Catalog?

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Why Undo is Underrated

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Get Your Maps in Sync

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Scroll Around The World

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Shortcut Savvy Navigation

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Scale-Based Symbol Sizing

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Thinking About Linking – 2D and 3D Views

ArcGIS Pro Tips: 5 Tips For Fixing Broken Data Links

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Save Time With Bookmarks

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Group Templates, Galleries, & Grids Make Editing a Snap

ArcGIS Pro Tips: This Might Just Be Your Favorite Tip Ever

ArcGIS Pro Tips: Customize Without a Line of Code

ArcGIS Pro SDK Development Series, Part 1:  Getting Started

ArcGIS Pro SDK Development Series, Part 2:  Learning the Pro SDK


Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro

GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS Pro: A Platform Workbook

Understanding GIS: An ArcGIS Pro Project Workbook

Making Spatial Decisions Using ArcGIS Pro: A Workbook

MVP Emeritus

Great list of resources Kory.  I just got done with 'Getting Started With ArcGIS Pro and recommend it to everyone.

That should just about do it....
Frequent Contributor

Thank you Kory for this list, this is great.

New Contributor

Well I am very new to GIS period!  When I first started working at my job (just about a year ago) they had gone thru a consulting company who set up everything they needed.  About 5 months into my job said consulting company went out of business.  We were a bit "gun shy" about jumping in with a new firm, especially after losing over 6 months of our contract with the old one.  My boss originally wanted to have it all in house.  But that didn't happen.  So I started researching ArcGIS to see if that was a possibility, what the cost would be, and what sort of help would be available since I am definitely not real good with that kind of computer stuff.  After speaking to a sales rep with Esri we decided to give it a try.  We figured if I couldn't do it then we would only be out the cost of our license which was a whole lot cheaper than getting started with another consulting company. 

I was getting started with ArcMap on my desktop and it was giving me horrible anxiety!  Then I started a chat with tech support who put me in contact with someone else.... and he has been a HUGE help, and he told me that with our license I also had ArcGIS Pro.  He did a webcast with me, showed me how to download it, register it, and transfer what I had gotten done so far into Pro!  Now I am excited about working with it and NO MORE ANXIETY!!!!!  So far I absolutely LOVE Pro and am very excited to work with it to get the rest of my information that I need onto my maps!  Pro is definitely a lot more user friendly especially for someone like me who doesn't know what she is doing!  Tiffany - the account is set up in my boss' name but I am the only user! (So this will show up as being from Ray Kopacz, but my name is Tiffany (he doesn't use a computer lol)

MVP Emeritus

Tiffany-  you can add your own user login for GeoNet, and then you can link that user account to Rays account for AGOL use.

Great story by the way;  in a way I envy you with respect that you don't have any prior experience with early platforms so no extra baggage. (The trade off is I'm way closer to retirement! )

That should just about do it....
New Contributor


Even though we only have a single user license?

Congrats and good luck with retirement when you finally get there!


Tiffany Harrell

Office Manager

Stanfield Irrigation District

541-449-3272 – Phone

541-449-1239 – Fax


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MVP Emeritus

I think so.  Give it a try.

That should just about do it....
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Frequent Contributor

Thank you Tiffany for your response, good to hear that you are excited about using Pro.  This is a great place to assist with getting answers, and growing your knowledge base with GIS.

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Frequent Contributor

Background: I'm approaching the end of the 2nd semester of using ArcGIS Pro in an introductory GIS course. In order to be familiar enough to do what I need to in class and help the students do what they need to, I've been using Pro for many of my other GIS tasks as well for over a year. I've brought up the switch to Pro with government and private organizations in our area and out that hire students from us. 

#1 - It is soooo stinking slow.

  • It is actually quite snappy with SOME things, unfortunately the things that are the slowest are the things you do all the time - namely display your data on the screen.

Before you say "your hardware...!" - I'm currently running ArcGIS Pro on a DELL server with multiple NVIDIA GRID M60 cards. As far as ArcGIS Pro is concerned, I have 16GB of video RAM, 64GB of RAM, and an 8 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6154 CPU @ 3.00GHz to myself. It is reporting Direct X 11 at 174 FPS for 1920 x1200 screen.

Locally I run ArcGIS Pro on Windows 10 Enterprise with a 4GHz i7, 32GB of RAM and a 4 GB AMD graphics card and SSD drives.

#2 - It is plagued with UX / interface issues. The very top of this list for me, and many other users, is the frequency of re-drawing, which coupled with the extreme slowness and the lack of any way to interrupt the re-draw (in my experience, the refresh animation in the lower right is only clickable about 50% of the time. When it works, it will start re-drawing again the second you change anything, and since you can't just hit ESC, you have to be quick with your mouse to click something, then get back to the refresh icon... Don't take my word - look at this idea:

  • Pause Drawing in ArcGIS Pro 
  • Some specific examples:
    • If you enter values into fields on a geoprocessing tool, or using the SQL query builder, or customize projection parameters, or etc... and click OK or RUN without either tabbing out of that field or clicking into another field, those values are not used.
    • Symbology. A LOT of issues here. Here's the example of what brought me here today:
      • Started with Esri's detailed cities layer for the USA (Data & Maps for ArcGIS, 2017). A definition query reduced the number of cities to 1093.
      • Right now my map is zoomed to the Western USA, Esri's World Topographic basemap.
      • I want to change the symbology to reflect the size of the cities by population to start with
        • Open the Symbology pane and select Graduated Symbols from the Symbology dropdown.
        • The Symbology pane immediately grays out - but there is no movement of the refresh icon in the Map view. There is nothing that indicates anything is happening at all except that it is using 20% CPU.
        • After 55.1 seconds, five graduated symbols appear in the Table of Contents. The Symbology pane still grayed out, nothing on the map, but the CPU usage jumps to 50%.
        • Another 27.5 seconds go by before the CPU usage drops and the Symbology pane un-grays. 
          • No cities draw on the map
          • I click the refresh icon. I Zoom to Layer. I go to the bathroom and get a drink - still no cities in my map.
          • I open the Attribute table (which takes over 30 seconds). The cities are still there.
          • I reset the symbology to Single Symbol. 20 seconds, then they're back.
          • Start over. Same amount of time (cache?). This time the cities draw at the end.
            • Without any input from me, it took all that time to calculate and draw graduated symbols of the GNIS_ID.
            • So - I choose Population, and wait again. Same thing for median rents. 
            • I decide I actually want Proportional Symbols
              • Even longer - to get proportional symbols of the GNIS_ID again. Even though Median Rent field was selected when I changed the symbology to Proportional Symbol. 
              • I finally have proportional symbols for the median rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in all these cities --- See any problems!? 
                • There are actually proportional symbols in the map
                • The ToC is not correct - same sizes, AND note that the highest value over on the Symbology pane is only $5380 while the ToC shows up to $10,000. 
                • Other results have shown only two symbols in the ToC (both the same size) when there are 5 classes on the symbology pane and are clearly shown on map.
              • sorry you got the play by play on that one. But this is pretty typical. 
  • The inability to create a new project on the root of a drive (or perceived root, e.g. network shares to a personal folder, or a common projects folder, etc.)
  • The need to click on a folder, but DON'T go into it (when saving, connecting to folders, etc.)
  • Inconsistencies - when a pane is pinned, why do some of the other open panes become tabs at the bottom of the pinned tab while others stay up on the side of the application window?
    • Why doesn't the Catalog tab stay at the top of the other tabs?
    • Why is there no Servers folder in the Catalog pane by default? Why if I right click in the Catalog pane to add one, the only type is an ArcGIS Server, no WMTS etc.? 
  • Hidden functionality (see Keyboard shortcuts in the Contents pane—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop  for examples of things that are great to have keyboard shortcuts for, but why remove them from the right click? How is anybody supposed to know about these shortcuts?
  • Tools that claim to be done / completed, but only did half the job, or didn't do any of it at all. Here's an example - after 3 1/2 hours, it says it "Completed" my Union. There is a new layer in my map. Nothing appears. I open the attribute table. Nothing. I have to go to the History tab on the Catalog pane to see that Warning that the tool utterly failed to actually do what it is designed to do. 
  • Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. The above example, I ran the Union tool again without any changes and it worked the 2nd time around.
    • I've had others that give no warning, but there are large chunks of the new layer that clearly just didn't get processed. 
  • Messages that are useless/meaningless. Open a layer and try to look at its metadata and you will be told that it needs to be upgraded. No offer to upgrade it. No link to a help article about how to upgrade it. No link to the tool to upgrade it.
    • The online help has a NOTE that you will need to take that layer back to ArcMap or ArcCatalog to upgrade it. Why isn't that information in ArcGIS Pro, or a link to that help article?
  • World Geocoder is AMAZING! Imagine my surprise when it was able to geocode 100% of a list of addresses in my home state (UT) while my own geocoder using line and point address data from our excellent state database was not able to do so. 
    • Like the "Warning" that the tool didn't actually produce anything after 3 1/2 hours of working on it, when the World Geocoder says it matched all your addresses you have to do some digging to find out that if it can't find an address on a street, it will just drop the point at the midpoint of the street. If it can't find the street, it will just drop it in the middle of the zipcode or City (not sure which), etc. So - if you have some poor addresses you may find a bunch of "matched" addresses all together in the middle of nowhere, but at the center of Utah.

I know it all sounds bad - but I actually like Pro in many ways. But there are some real deal breakers that keep me heading back to ArcMap & ArcCatalog (10.6 is GREAT!) and wondering if I'm doing the students a favor when they leave here to work in shops that haven't made the jump due to hardware costs and/or time costs, not to mention results that may or may not be complete.

A man's feet should be planted in his country, but his eyes should survey the world. - G. Santayana
MVP Frequent Contributor

"Why is there no Servers folder in the Catalog pane by default?". I've wondered about that myself. It definitely adds more time, and slows up your workflow, when you have to add that one-time-use server that isn't part of a template or a favorite. In Arc Catalog, "Add ArcGIS Server" is right there.


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