Masking out some data for privachy
I cannot get ArcGIS Pro to make a connection to an Oracle database. The problem appears to be that I do not have the Oracle ODBC software installed with the "environment variable pointing to the installation of ArcGIS Pro."
I am sorry, but I have no idea whatsoever what it means to "point the environment variable to the installation" of other software. The documentation for the setup of this crucial environment variable provides no more hints on what that means.
This computer connects to the Oracle database thousands of times a day thoiugh oracle odbc.. Why can't ArcGIS connect once to the same database from the same computer?
What is this "pointing environment variable"?
What am I doing wrong, and how does it need to be done to work? This is a major point; I am so sick of this stupid problem that this company cannot find the English to make itself understandable.
It's not as if I am new to working with PCs or databases. I have been doing both for 40 years. The problem is you have constructed a unique way of talking about foundational components of computer systems, and you have made yourselves understandable.
My typing is a mess because I am so angry at the loss of hours on this stupid problem.
What version of Oracle is your database? I believe ESRI has links to database drivers for Oracle, SQL Server, etc.
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition
Have you downloaded and installed an Oracle 19c client, preferably the instant client to start?
Yes. That step was done three years ago, as part of equipping my workstation for new responsibilities when joining this team.
At this point, I am completely baffled by these words: set the PATH environment variable to the location of the Oracle client. I have been unable to rule out the possibiity of a connecton between the Oracle 19c client and the direct guidance from ESRI to set path evo
Another lead I am investigating: There is a non-trivial reason to suspect the computer might contain more than one Path Environment Variable.
One of the reasons I am really lost on this point is I have been unable find documentation indicating which Environment variable to focus upon.
Every time I read that statement, I am thinking it is telling us little people, those outside the Big Esri world of advanced Geographic systems that are accelerating the rare of adding sophistication using the artificial intelligence now at the helm of esri-centered corporations. These people are so smart, I am in complete awe.
Here are some detailed steps for the Oracle client and ArcGIS Pro:
The PATH variable is in your system settings for the machine:
Make sure you have the Oracle 64-bit client (NOT 32-bit) listed in the beginning. If you are using the Oracle Full client, then it will add it to the PATH for you during the install / configuration.
Once you have the PATH configured, you will need to close and re-open ArcGIS Pro for it to capture the change.
Another resource you may want to ask if your Oracle DBA, many times they can help with the client configuration on your machine.
I just found software from oracle, so excellent. All you need to do is run this software on your computer. I evaluates all your oracle connections on your pc. So, to run these tests you enter a cerain code.
The part I like best is the factI get to guess whie gets cldean.
Maybe the command is entered into the windows command lijnbe
or n0t
Could it be the commnd goes into power shell? How is any one ging to know when the instructnoions do nto say
Now I have the dbConnection working. Fortunately, I cannot find the liittl box non the humdeds of buttons that is where I can enter signal to run in the new conection'
I really like how everythng I have leaned usnig datases all the time for 40 year is of no help to this unique sustem
Do you have an Oracle DBA team?
If so, reach out to them about this as they should be able to help you with configuring the client correctly.