I'm trying to add data from an Azure SQL table in an Azure SQL database onto the map in ArcGIS Pro but I'm getting an error:
Add data
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80041538
Why is this the case? My Azure SQL table includes location data which is lat and long, both as numbers. I tried using my local Windows machine and also using a Windows VM hosted in Azure where the Azure SQL database resides.
Geodatabase Anybody have thoughts on this - what to look at?
I think that this one may best be served by contacting technical support.
This is something that should be simple to solve. I have read that the table should have OID so I created an id column to be unique, but I am still having this problem of adding data to the map. I even also used the Create query layer, specified the SELECT statement for all records in the table, but still doesn't work.
I have the same problem, how could i fix this?
Any update on this error? I am also getting this error message. I'm trying to add a spatial view that I created in a SQL database.
Does anyone have a solution on this ? I work for two separate clients who are facing this issue. The first one is a recently migrated client (both database and ArcGIS Enterprise) but the second one not had a so important operation recently.
Considering the fact that, if i right click on a table, it proposes me to register with the geodatabase, I suspect there is something to deal with a dysfunctioning in sde.gdb_items...
For me it was because I had spaces in my column names from the view I was attempting to use. I replaced them with underscores and it worked just fine.
Any follow up on this one? I've got a view that I've really simplified down as I continue to get this error. Even with the most simple view I can do. Even with this I get the HR Result error. The view is stored in an enterprise gdb on SQL server 2019 if that helps in any way. There is no spaces in any field names. Any ideas?
SELECT a.ObjectID, a.ARN,a.SHAPE,b.roll_number
FROM tableA as a
ON a.ARN = b.roll_number;
The hex code 0x80041538 maps to error -2147216072: FDO_E_SE_DB_IO_ERROR. (https://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcobjects/latest/net/webframe.htm#fdoError.htm ). Given it appears to be a DB IO error, I suggest you consult your SQL Server logs because there should be some more specific information in the logs about the error.