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Unable to select features

02-01-2024 01:45 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I feel I have not changed my technique for selecting and editing features for months and just today I am finding that I am unable to select features when actively editing polygons whether it is editing vertices or just updating data in the attribute table.  

I have referenced this post: Solved: ArcPro Unable to select feature with Sele... - Esri Community and all of my layer and selection settings seem to be good.  

Even when I am not in editing mode, I am unable to select a feature, it will highlight in cyan and then disappear after about 0.5 seconds...

Selection Options Settings: 


I've tried making this layer the only selectable layer:



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1 Reply
Esri Notable Contributor

Whenever I see generally weird ArcGIS Pro behavior, I do a soft reset of ArcGIS Pro by renaming the ESRI folders to ESRI_old.  There are two of them and they're located in the following directory paths:
