Hi, please help!
I have uploaded several climatic variables to my ArcGIS Pro map, which have been clipped to my region, and then converted from raster to ASCII files in order to use as variables in my Maxent species modelling. I also want to include land use cover as a variable, so I uploaded a land use cover dataset and clipped it to the exact same extent/coordinates as my other climatic variables. However, when I convert to ASCII, the heading names do not match- all of my climatic variables are the same, but the land cover does not match. I have run the models with just the climatic variables and this works well, but I cannot run the models with the land cover added because the headings do not match. I cannot figure out how to get them to match.
I have tried simply re-doing it, I have checked they are definitely clipped to the same coordinates, and the projections are the same. I tried the 'Resample' tool to match the cell size of the climatic variables, which fixed the 'cellsize' row, but the others still don't match. I also tried to set a 'Snap Raster' under the 'Environments' to match the other climatic variables, but this didn't work either. I have attached screenshots to show the how the headings are different (the one with ncols 745 is the climatic variables and the headings I want my land cover to be, the ncols 407 is my land cover data which will not match the others).
Does anyone know how to help with this?