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Trouble Deleting a Digitized Label Object

01-21-2024 09:36 AM
New Contributor

Hello ... Just beginning to learn ArcGIS Pro 3.2. I was digitizing a number of objects from a raster image for the purpose of image classification to be used to create a deep learning training set. One of the labeled objects is a mistake. I found the problem object in the labeled objects list (it highlights on the map after clicking it) and double-clicked it to zoom to it on the map. But, when trying to delete it with the red "X" on the Label Objects menu, which is greyed out, it says no object is selected. But the object on the map is clearly selected and shows in a different color. I have gone through the HELP pages and believe I did what I was supposed to, but it did not remove the object.

How can I delete this errored labeled object entry?

Thank you.

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1 Reply

Hi Joseph,

I have a question.

Are you trying to delete a label or are you trying to delete one of the polygons you created?

If you are trying to delete the label you can turn the label off for the time being.

If you are trying to delete one of the polygons you created, click on the feature class where the polygon is located in the contents pane, click on Edit (top middle of screen), then Modify, then on the right hand side click on edit vertices, then click on the polygon you want to delete. It will highlight blue, then click on the red X delete button (or hit delete button on your keyboard). Then click on Save icon (top middle left of screen) . Then save your project.

Please let us know if this works. 

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