Okay, I feel like I'm going crazy, here.
I'm trying to build a Script Tool where a Boolean checkbox input controls another parameter that accepts a Feature Class, which I remember being fairly simple in ArcMap 10.7.
I can get the tool to successfully turn the Feature Class inputs on and off after the tool is running, but I can't get them to start disabled.
Parameters 0 & 1 are the two Booleans in question.
Parameters 3 & 4 are the respective Feature Classes.
def initializeParameters(self):
# Customize parameter properties.
# This gets called when the tool is opened.
self.params[3].enabled = False
self.params[4].enabled = False
I thought the above would be all I need to get these two parameters to start as disabled, but the tool doesn't seem to acknowledge the command.
I can confirm initializeParameters is running when the tool opens, because I threw a test dummy in there* and it worked. (*I wrote placeholder text into the value of one of the parameters, and it successfully shows up when you open the tool)
The only place I can seem to get the tool to recognize the .enabled property right out of the gate is if I put it in __init__. But then it fails to update properly from updateParameters, because __init__ seems to be overriding whatever I put in updateParameters.
I managed to figure out the below workaround, but I'm trying to figure out why I couldn't just put "self.params[3].enabled = False" into initializeParameters to set the default state and be done with it.
class ToolValidator:
# Class to add custom behavior and properties to the tool and tool parameters.
def __init__(self):
# set self.params for use in other function
self.params = arcpy.GetParameterInfo()
# Since 0 and 1 default to False, this works for initial state. It also avoids overriding later, because the checkbox IS the desired state.
self.params[3].enabled = self.params[0].value
self.params[4].enabled = self.params[1].value
def initializeParameters(self):
# Customize parameter properties.
# This gets called when the tool is opened.
def updateParameters(self):
# Modify parameter values and properties.
# This gets called each time a parameter is modified, before
# standard validation.
if self.params[0].altered:
self.params[3].enabled = self.params[0].value
if self.params[1].altered:
self.params[4].enabled = self.params[1].value
def updateMessages(self):
# Customize messages for the parameters.
# This gets called after standard validation.