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toolbox ERROR 001681: Found REMOVED Layer File Swiss_Filtered.lyr within script tool

01-06-2024 06:22 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor



I'm trying to run a script from the downloaded TerrainToolbox  and I get error

ERROR 001681: Found REMOVED Layer File Swiss_Filtered.lyr within script tool

I'm new to this program so I could really use some help   I feel maybe I didn't install correctly.   I'm using parallels and a mac.  I'm not missing assets in the file.

I've started a new map  and located the toolbox again to add.  Idk  IThank you all for your time!!

2 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I have been receiving this error with multiple scripts after upgrading from ArcGIS Pro v. 3.2 to 3.3. Doesn't matter if the script is referencing .lyr or lyrx files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


ERROR 001681: Found REMOVED Layer File \LyrGrp.lyrx within script tool 

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Emerging Contributor

As a follow up to my previous comment I did some testing. I wrote a script with one line of code: print(".lyrx") and created a script tool in a toolbox with no input parameters to call the script. It errored out with the same message.

ERROR 001681: Found REMOVED Layer File .lyrx within script tool LayerTest_Pandora(C:\Users\stefan.schaepe\Floodplain@1)

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