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Tif-image not georeferenced in Arc pro

02-03-2024 11:26 PM
Deactivated User


I'm a GIS beginner and English is not my first language but I'll try my best:

I combined a bunch of DEM-tiles into a tif-raster in Qgis. It's perfectly georeferenced in Qgis.

However if I import it into ArcGIS pro it's not referenced anymore. CRS is the same of course but it's not even on the same continent.

Can any of you tell me how I can georeference it im ArcGIS pro?

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1 Reply
MVP Esteemed Contributor

does the *.tif file have a "world file" ( *.tfw)

Raster file formats—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

if not, go back and see if you can produce one from your input

also check the project settings and see if this is toggled on or off


... sort of retired...
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