Goal: to make a map showing how far North Korea's missiles could reach
Platforms used: ArcMap and Pro
Tools used: Buffer, Multiple Ring Buffer
Input: a polygon feature class, NK, referenced in wgs84
Distance: 1500, 6000, 9000, etc
Buffer unit: km
Issues: In Pro, the output from Multiple Ring Buffer is clearly just a planar circle (red) while the Buffer tool works perfectly (the blue layer). The problem remains even after I specify the Output Coordinate System in Environments. Both tools in ArcMap worked well using the same parameters.
Please help. Many thanks!
If I look at the ArcGIS for Desktop Help and the ArcGIS Pro Help for the 'Buffer' and 'Multiple Ring Buffer' tools, both apps' Help only mention the GEODESIC method for the 'Buffer' tool, not the 'Multiple Ring Buffer' tool, suggesting you cannot create GEODESIC buffers using the 'Multiple Ring Buffer' tool:
Multiple Ring Buffer—Help | Documentation
Multiple Ring Buffer—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
Are you absolutely sure you were able to create GEODESIC buffers using the 'Multiple Ring Buffer' tool in ArcMap, and you aren't confusing other results with the current ones?
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, we can "create GEODESIC buffers using the 'Multiple Ring Buffer' tool in ArcMap" without specifying any parameters.
I have been using this example in my Intro to GIS classes since 2017, right after the missile crisis. Both Buffer and MRB work well in ArcMap.
Please see the screenshot attached
If has only been implemented for Buffer
It doesn't even appear as a suggestion on ArcGIS Ideas so you might want to add this to the pile.
You can introduce the class to another approach using the various overlay tools.
For example, create the buffers in singular increasing fashion, then use the Erase tool to remove the overlaps in order from largest to smallest. You could also get them to examine the differences that are produced with Union and Update. Although not perfect, it will introduce the idea that sometimes sequential steps are needed to produce an outcome that isn't available with a single click.
Thanks a lot. will do.
report back if it works out Yanning