I am trying to create some domains in my feature service but I keep getting this message " The Domains for this workspace are read-only" I am not sure what I am supposed to do here. Can anybody help with this?
I added a sreenshot of my workspace.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Gina - is the dataset referencing a web layer in Portal by chance? One workaround is to use the "Feature Class to Feature Class" GP tool to create a geodatabase feature class. Once the feature class is in the geodatabase, you should be able to edit with that domain in that geodatabase.
Robert - I created a geodatabase feature class (using Export Features from the Contents pane) from an AGO layer and the domains are not included in the new layer. The layer I'm trying to duplicate domains from is from the LGIM. Any help would be appreciated.
Erin - I found a few workflows here that may work for you. One involves using the Domain to Table GP tool from the source geodatabase followed by using the Table to Domain GP tool on the target geodatabase. Another is the use of exporting the source geodatabase as an XML file (schema only) and importing the XML workspace document in the target geodatabase. Those workflows can be viewed here.
Some users have mentioned you can do a copy/paste of domains between 2 geodatabases with 2 instances of AGP, but I have not been able to replicate this workflow.
Thanks Robert – It doesn’t appear either of these will work for a hosted feature layer. Am I missing something?
Erin Strickler
Cloudpoint Geographics, Inc.
(877) 377-8124
<http://www.cloudpointgeo.com/signup> www.cloudpointgeo.com
One way is to go to the Portal Item "metadata" page for the Hosted Feature Layer and see if there's the Export Data options enabled on the right to export to shp/csv/kml/fgdb/etc. If that's not there, then see if there's a dropdown for Open in ArcGIS Desktop (Pro or ArcMap). If so, add it to either one, then in the Contents Pane/Window, right click on the hosted feature layer and select Data->Export Features (AGP) workflow or similar in ArcMap.
Thank you! Downloading the FGDB from the feature service’s Overview page gave me access to the domains.
Erin Strickler
Cloudpoint Geographics, Inc.
(877) 377-8124
<http://www.cloudpointgeo.com/signup> www.cloudpointgeo.com
I'm having this issue currently.
From what I'm gathering, it sounds like there's no way to add domains directly to a web layer that's hosted in the Portal, right? I know in the past I have made edits to existing domain values, but there doesn't appear to be a way to add a new domain. I have to download it, make my edits, then publish it again and mark the old version as deprecated?
Thanks in advance
Also having same issue. Going to explore Robert_LeClair's solution above, have you? Let's stay in touch.
@Anonymous User I'm also, having trouble with this...it seems as though you can't add or edit domain values on a hosted feature service and that I'll have to download it, edit, re-upload, and then change the URL in all my web and field apps? Curious if you've found any new info on this or if that seems to be the recommended workflow...if that's the case I'm thinking we should submit this as a request for an enhancement...